Broj poginulih u urušavanju mosta Žuselino Kubiček de Oliveira dugačak 533 metara, koji povezuje brazilske države Tokantins i Maranjao porastao je na devet, pronalaskom tela jedne žene, javlja AP. Brazilska mornarica je saopštila da je telo pronađeno šest kilometara od mosta, preneo je AP [...]
The main conceptual idea of the text is the rising death toll from the collapse of the Žuselino Kubiček de Oliveira bridge in Brazil.
The article reports that the number of fatalities has increased to nine after the discovery of another body, six kilometers away from the collapsed bridge. It also provides context about the bridge's importance as a vital transportation corridor connecting Brazilian states.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the rising death toll from the collapse of the Žuselino Kubiček de Oliveira bridge in Brazil. The article reports that the number of fatalities has increased to nine after the discovery of another body, six kilometers away from the collapsed bridge. It also provides context about the bridge's importance as a vital transportation corridor connecting Brazilian states.